Thursday, 15 December 2016

[Poem] The Watchman By Godspower T. Ebiotu

 [Poem] The Watchman By Godspower T. Ebiotu

It was Saturday.
Today I decided not to go out early
but watch this movie that I've been
yearning to watch since last month.

When it started, it looked like every other movie I had watched. I
meant those movies I would call normal.

High school setting, parents not
listening to their kids, etc.
Oh! The name of the movie; God's Not Dead 2.
I mean have you seen
that movie yet. You've got to!
Anyway, in the movie a teacher
answered a question and referred
Jesus as a historic figure for which
due to the school rule was summoned to the court room for
sharing her faith. It a long story.

On Sunday, that was the next day,
I had a visitor and she requested
to watch a movie and I played that
same movie for her.

When the court case was getting intense she
started shouting and almost crying,
menh! she was emotional.
You know what! I was watching
the movie with her that evening but
never uttered a word only few chuckles and a lot of smiles

 [Poem] The Watchman By Godspower T. Ebiotu

Now this was what was
happening. You see, knowing what
would happen next I never care
what the situation was in the movie 'cause I always knew she was
going to come out victorious at the

This as I've sighted is how God
reacts to our journey in life, you
see He knows that no matter what, yeah, NO MATTER WHAT may
come our way, what He had
predestined to happen for us will
surely happen.

He's a God who lives outside of
time, seeing the past, present and future at the same moment.
Just want you to know that He's by
our side, today and forever. Just
as He said;

“Before I shaped you in the womb,
I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day,
I had holy plans for you:
A prophet to the nations—
that’s what I had in mind for you.
- Jer. 1:5

And so, you should look at God's expression towards you and
rejoice knowing God is on your

One who has watched the world
from start to finish!!!

#ETGodspower |

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